
Showing posts from November, 2022


figure1: source; (tchronicles, 2022) Manpower planning is the process of forecasting the possible human resource demands of an organization and determining how the organization's existing human resource resources can be utilized to meet those demands. It is also largely responsible for determining a company's current plans and creating a strategic plan for the company's future possibilities  (Careers360 , 2021) . It is a never-ending process to ensure that the organization has the optimal resources accessible when needed, taking into account forthcoming future projects and the replacement of departing staff. Additionally known as Human Resource Planning  (MBA Skool Team, 2021) .   DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING The difference between human resource planning and management is that planning is strategic and management is tactical. As an example, planning to eliminate overtime by establishing new procedures and then controlling employe

The Importance of Employee Benefits for a Business

  figure1:employee benifits; source (doyle, 2022). The term "employee benefits" refers to any type of compensation other than wages or salaries that is supplied by the organization and paid for in part by the employer. Moreover, employee benefits are vital to the development of corporate industrial relations. Examples include retirement plans, child care, care for the elderly, programs for hospitalization, social security, vacation and paid holidays. According to Herberg's two-factor theory, an employee benefits package was a necessary and suitable working condition (motivation and hygiene). The hygiene factor will have an effect on employee job motivation and, consequently, productivity. Consequently, employee benefits are important if employee satisfaction and loyalty are to be maintained and improved (Ju, et al., 2008). The Four Most Valuable Employee Benefits Most benefits used to be classified as one of four main categories of employee benefits ·        Medical ins

Managing Employee Development

                          figure1:source(lattice,2022) The most valuable resource in a corporation is its employees. Employee development is regarded almost generally as a strategic instrument for an organization's continued growth, productivity, and capacity to retain valuable people. The company makes a long-term investment in the improvement of its employees. According to (Awasthi and Kumar, 2016,66), employee performance is intimately related to the success or failure of an organization. The importance of employee development stems from the fact that both companies and employees desire highly skilled personnel. With the cooperation of their company, employees can devote time to learning about how to apply new methods and techniques, expanding their knowledge of an industry or subject area, and enhancing their competencies in several areas. According to (McKay, 2020),w hen a company prioritizes the growth of its employees, those workers take stock of their abilities, identify

Dealing with difficult people and types of difficult people

  figure1:work with difficult people Dealing with difficult people A difficult person is someone who often lack of empathy, compassion, and concern for others. They would simply say that they are callous. Difficult people tend to feel better than everyone else. This type of person seems aloof when you want to shake their hand. They even seem disgusted when approached, as if they have a contagious disease. Then when they converse with them, they talk down to you like you're inferior to them. There are always few employees who are sincere, diligent and great workers, but there are some who work little, waste time and really create tension among other employees. Difficult situations in the workplace often arise for a variety of reasons, viz. Interpersonal relationships, selfish behavior, respect for one another, hierarchy, etc. Understanding this problem, why some people become difficult or more negative, and why their behavior creates tension between people and difficult situations

Applying a code of ethics for an organization

  What is code of ethics? A code of ethics is a collection of principles and practices that a business believes in and aims to drive by. It set the standards for the behaviors required to ensure compliance with all law, regulations, internal policies and procedures and any communications and instructions issued by the organization Why is code of ethics important ?   It provides a common set of rules and standards for all in the profession to apply and it define best practices for the profession. Code of ethics provides a basis to meet compliance requirement, legal standards and it describes what brings your members together as a profession and is the foundation of their shared expectations of each other. Members are proud to belong to an association which provides a framework and standard for their industry   What are the Benefits of Having a Code of Ethics in the Workplace? There are many advantages to having a code of ethics implemented within an organization. When i